Parental Socioeconomic Status, Locus of Control, Social-Media and Peer Pressure as Determinants of Risky-Sexual Behaviour Among Undergraduates
Parental Socioeconomic Status, Locus of Control, Social-Media, Peer Influence, Risky-Sexual Behaviour, UndergraduatesAbstract
This study examined parental socioeconomic status, locus of control, social media, and peer influence as determinants of risky-sexual behavior. The study employed the descriptive survey research design. Two hundred and forty (240) male and female undergraduates were the participants in the study. Data was collected using reliable instruments: (Risky Sexual Behaviuor Scale α = 0.84; Parental Socioeconomic Status Scale α = 0.79; Locus of Control Scale α = 0.87; Social-Media Scale α = 0.82; and Peer Influence Scale α = 0.91). From the results, there is a strong correlation between parental socioeconomic status (r = .396; p<0.05), locus of control (r = .482; p<.05), social-media (r = .558; p<.05), peer influence (r = .523; p<.05) and risky-sexual behaviour among undergraduate students. The most significant contribution was made by peer influence (β = .596; t= 3.852; p<0.05); followed by social-media (β = .501; t= 11.035; p<0.05); locus of control (β = .107; t= .822; p<0.05); and parental socio-economic status (β =.041; t= .526; p<0.05). The study concluded that more emphasis should be placed on providing adequately informative sex education services for students in the universities to equip them with valid facts about safe sex practices.
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