Focus and Scope


Indonesian Values and Character Education Journal (IVCEJ) focuses on advancing research and scholarly discussions in the fields of values and character education across various educational levels and contexts. The journal is dedicated to exploring the integration of cultural, moral, and ethical values in education, with an emphasis on fostering positive character development, social responsibility, and academic integrity. IVCEJ serves as a platform for educators, researchers, and practitioners to contribute to the theoretical and practical advancements in character education, promoting interdisciplinary approaches that bridge pedagogy, psychology, cultural studies, and educational technology, with a particular emphasis on the Indonesian context and global perspective.



The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Integration of Cultural and National Values in Education
    Studies on embedding indigenous and national values into formal and informal education settings, including nationalism character education and ethical frameworks in curriculum design.

  • Character Development through Pedagogical Innovations
    Research on innovative teaching methods such as project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, digital storytelling, and interactive media for character education.

  • Technology-Enhanced Character Education
    Exploration of digital tools, e-learning resources, and educational games that support moral and character development in various educational stages.

  • Environmental and Social Responsibility in Education
    Investigations into school programs and pedagogical strategies that promote environmental awareness, sustainability education, and responsible citizenship.

  • Values-Based Educational Leadership and Policy
    Studies on the role of educational leadership, curriculum reforms, and institutional strategies in promoting character education and ethical learning environments.

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Moral and Character Formation
    Research integrating insights from psychology, sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies in shaping students' moral and ethical development.

  • Community and Parental Contributions to Character Education
    Studies on family involvement, mentorship, and community-based initiatives in fostering students' character and moral values.