Pengaruh permainan engklek modifikasi terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar anak kelompok B TK Dharma Wanita Persatuan Pademonegoro Sukodono Sidoarjo
This Research is a quantitative research classroom action research. This Research was conducted to determine the effect of the hopscotch game modification againts the gross motor skills of children in group B at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten Pademonegoro Sukodono Sidoarjo. The subject were 12 B group pre school children in Dharma Wanita Persatuan Pademonegoro Sukodono Sidoarjo Pre School. The results of this study that hopscotch game modification effect on gross motor skills of children in group B at Dharma Wanita Kindergarten Pademonegoro Sukodono Sidoarjo.
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