The Relationship between Forgiveness and Marital Satisfaction of Wives Who Have Multiple Roles
This study aims to determine the relationship between forgiveness and marital satisfaction in wives who play a dual role. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a significant relationship between forgiveness and marital satisfaction in multiple role wives. Participants in this study were the dual role wives of rt.x rw.x salatiga, totaling 30 subject. The data was collected using the forgiveness scale from Michael E. McCullough and the satisfaction scale from Olson. Data analysis usingcorrelation method Pearson product moment. The hypothesis in this study was accepted so that there was a significant positive relationship between forgiveness and marital satisfaction with r = 0.713 and a significant value = 0.000 (p <0.05). This means that the higher the forgiveness, the higher the marital satisfaction of the dual role wife in the area of rt.x rw.x salatiga. On the other hand, the lower the forgiveness, the lower the marital satisfaction of the dual role wife in the area of rt.x rw.x salatiga.Downloads
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