Anti-Corruption Training and Student Anti-Corruption Behavior Index
This study aims to see the effectiveness of anti-corruption training to increase the anti-corruption behavior index of students. This research refers to the 2012 and 2019 Central Bureau of Statistics survey results and follow-up research reports from Heryadi and Yuliasari 2019. This study will ask respondents to intervene in the form of anti-corruption training to increase the student's anti-corruption behavior index with a single indicator, namely student confidence. towards society.
Opinion of respondents behavior / habits that are suspected to be corrupt behavior and daily corrupt behavior.
The method used is an experimental method. The population in this study were students of the Faculty of Economics and Social Unjani Yogyakarta, batch 2018 and 2019. Respondents were selected using a quota sampling technique. Data analysis techniques used statistics with the help of SPSS in the form of different tests. The results showed that anti-corruption training was effective in increasing the anti-corruption behavior index of students
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