Konseling Keluarga Sebagai Model Konseling pada Anak dengan Kecanduan Masturbasi


  • Selvy Putri Fabiola Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana




Counseling, Family Counseling, Masturbation.


This study aims to offer family counseling as a model of counseling for children with masturbation addiction. The busyness of parents in daily activities and work results in a lack of free time with their children so that parents fail to carry out their functions. One of the failed functions is to provide sex education to children so that media pollution causes children to fall into sexuality problems, one of which is the addiction to masturbation. Guidance and counseling have a significant role and influence in the non-formal realm, in the context of preventing, developing and improving the life and roots of the personal and social problems of children in the family. Techniques Refarming or relabeling in family counseling used by the author to provide new information to parents, information that is able to answer the needs of family members. The method used in this research is qualitative. The data collection technique is to conduct in-depth interviews to gather various important information from clients.


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