Karakteristik Pekerjaan dengan Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan PT.Tirta Sibayakindo Doulu Berastagi
Job characteristic, Job satisfactionAbstract
The study aims to determine wether or not there is a relationship between job characteristic and job satisfaction in PT Tirta Sibayakindo Doulu Berastagi. The reseacrch was conducted in the Tirta Sibayakindo Doulu Berastagi. The subject of the study were 43 employees with a purposive sampling tehnique in taking the sample. Job characteristic is measured using “job characteristic scalle” by Hackman & Oldham, and to job satisfaction is measured using “job satifaction scale” by Robbins & Judge adapted from Zacharias sahureka (2015). Data analysis using techniques Pearson who obtained results r = =0,058; p>0.05. The results showed that there was no stong relationship between job characteristic and job satisfaction in PT Tirta Sibayakindo Doulu Berastagi.
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