Kecemasan terhadap Stigma Sosial untuk Kembali ke Masyarakat pada Mantan Narapidana Perempuan Tindak Pidana Penipuan


  • Kiki Adya Putrie Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Berta Esti Ari Prasetya Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana



Anxiety, Social Stigma, Former Female Convict


Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine how the anxiety of social stigma returns to society in former female convict for a criminal act of fraud and the factors which influence that anxiety. Participant 1 is a 47 year old woman from South Jakarta and participant 2 is a 27 year old woman from Central Sulawesi. Participant 1 was imprisoned for 1 year 6 months (18 months) while participant 2 was imprisoned for 7 months (19 months). Both are former convicts of criminal acts of fraud cases. Researcher used data collection procedures using interview techniques. Interviews were conducted online due to the limitations of the current pandemic situation. The results of this study indicate that former female convicts of fraud have social stigma anxiety based on existing aspects. For further research, it is hoped that there will be more research on social stigma anxiety because it is interesting enough to be researched and is expected to be able to maximize the time.


Keywords: Anxiety, Social Stigma, Former Female Convict


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