Perceived Organizational Support and Burnout among Nurses: A Finding from Salatiga, Indonesia
burnout, perceived organizational support, nursesAbstract
Burnout is a prevalent problem among nurses, especially in Indonesia, because the ratio of personnel and patients is too high. This study aimed to identify the relationship between perceived organizational support and burnout among nurses at a hospital in Salatiga, Indonesia. Sixty seven participants (55 female and 12 male nurses) joined the study. The study utilized Perceived Organizational Support and Burnout scales which were modified to fit the context of nurse profession. Analysis in this study was done using the nonparametric Spearman-rho method. The finding of this study showed significant and positive correlation between the two variables (r=0.311, p<0.05). It implied that there needs to be more focus placed onto the perceived organizational support in the hospital so that burnout among nurses could be prevented.
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