Effectiveness of Guidance Group to Increase Confidence with The Technique Of Sociodrama
group counselingAbstract
In research conducted using QUASI Experiment quantitative research method, which is qualitative data. Techniques that are used when retrieving data by spreading the instrument of Google forms on learners, research conducted by two stages of awarding, first stage given before the group guidance model conducted using PSYCHODRAMA techniques. After that the second stage was completed after implementation of the group guidance model using PSYCHODRAMA techniques of Group guidance services on 9 learners who experienced the same case of lack of confidence in the pandemic period. The level of students ' confidence levels prior to providing group guidance services that can be by clients or students amounted to 53.97% at the time before being given the group's guidance services afterwards in providing group guidance services reaching 85.5% of clients or learners gain confidence back to do activities in their daily life. Based on the results of the analysis is known that the achievement of the guidance services group of students SMKN 34 Jakarta is 31.53% result of the provision of group guidance services conducted to increase the confidence of students so that it can be concluded that the achievement of service objectives including the category very goodReferences
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