Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Model Konseling Behavioral Teknik Modeling dan Teknik Token Ekonomi untuk Mengembangkan Self Exhiition Siswa Kelas VII SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah Nonequivalent Control Group Desain merupakan model eksperimen semu (quasi ekperiment). Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah t-test. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu kelompok eksperimen I menghasilkan 18,09 > = -24,09 dimana t hitung =21,85 > t tabel= 1,70. Kelompok eksperimen II menghasilkan = 23,27 > = -24,09 dimana t hitung = 23,10 > t tabel= 1,70. Treatmen teknik modeling dan teknik token ekonomi model konseling behavioral didapatkan perbedaan = 18,09 < = 23,27 dimana t hitung= -2,51 > t tabel = -2,01. Hasil uji F menyatakan bahwa kedua varian homogen dimana Fhitung > Ftabel yaitu 1,28 < 4,00. Dari hasil uji t bahwa Harga t hitung diperoleh -2,51dan Harga t tabel sebesar -2,01. Jika dibandingkan Harga t hitung dengan Harga t tabel didapatkan bahwa -2,51 > -2,01 artinya Harga t hitung > Harga t tabel. Ini membuktikan bahwa, terdapat perbedaan antara teknik modeling dengan teknik token ekonomi model konseling behavioral terhadap self exhibition siswa. Dari hasil rerata hitung, didapatkan = 18,09 < =23,27 , artinya nilai rerata hitung teknik modeling lebih kecil dari pada teknik token ekonomi. Ini berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Untuk itu hipotesis ketiga yaitu terdapat perbedaan efektivitas teknik modeling dengan teknik token ekonomi model konseling behavioral terhadap self eexhibition siswa kelas VII SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja diterima.Kata Kunci : Konseling Behavioral, Modeling, Token Ekonomi, Self Exhibition.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Model Counseling Behavioral Modeling Techniques and Mechanical Token Economy to Develop Self Exhiition Seventh Grade Students of SMP Laboratory Undiksha Singaraja. The study design used is Nonequivalent Control Group is a model of a quasi-experimental design (quasi ekperiment). Data analysis method used was t-test. The results of this study is the first experimental group produces 18.09> = -24.09 where t = 21.85> t table = 1.70. The experimental group II yield = 23.27> = -24.09 where t = 23.10> t table = 1.70. Treatments modeling techniques and techniques of behavioral counseling model token economy was no difference = 18.09 <= 23.27 where t = -2.51> t table = -2.01. The test results confirmed that the two variants of the F homogenized where Fhitung> Ftable is 1.28 <4.00. From the results of the t test that the price obtained -2,51dan Price t t table of -2.01. When compared Price t arithmetic with t table shows that price -2.51> -2.01 means the price t count> t table price. This proves that there is a difference between modeling techniques with engineering models token economy behavioral counseling to students' self exhibition. Arithmetic mean of the results, obtained = 18.09 <= 23.27, meaning that the arithmetic mean value modeling technique is smaller than the token technique economy. This means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. For the third hypothesis that there are differences in the effectiveness of modeling techniques with engineering models token economy behavioral counseling to self eexhibition class VII student laboratory received Undiksha Singaraja.
keyword : Behavioral Counseling, Modeling, Token Economy, Self Exhibition
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