Psycho-Demographic Variables Influencing Adolescents Vocational Aspiration in Ibadan, Nigeria


  • Oludele Olagoke Ogunlade Department of Special Education and Guidance and Counselling Emmanuel Alayande University of Education, Oyo, Nigeria
  • Olusola Joseph Adesina Department of Special Education and Guidance and Counselling Emmanuel Alayande University of Education, Oyo, Nigeria


Age, Gender, Religion, Parental Education, Motivation, Self-Concept, Vocational Aspiration


Vocational aspiration is an important behavioural process a human being is expected to ponder on ever before career decision is made. This study therefore considered psycho-demographic variables influencing adolescents’ vocational aspiration in Ibadan, Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty adolescents were sampled using simple random sampling technique from the secondary school students in Ibadan. Researchers’ self-designed instrument, self-concept, motivation and vocational aspiration (SOSMV) were used. Reliability and validity of the instrument was done using Cronbach Alpha and result yielded self-concept 0.67, motivation 0.75 and vocational aspiration 0.76 and was judged good for the presents study. Findings revealed age, gender, religion and parental educational level did not significantly influenced adolescents’ vocational aspiration. Findings also revealed positive relationship between adolescents’ self-concept and vocational aspiration [ r = 0.60,  n = 250, p<0.05 at 0.01]. There is positive relationship between motivation and adolescent vocational aspiration [ r = 0.69,  n = 250, p<0.05 at 0.01]. Furthermore, contribution of adolescents’ motivation to vocational aspiration is greater than self-concept. Lastly, there is joint contribution of adolescents’ motivation and self-concept to vocational aspiration. This study has shed light on the important of motivation and self-concept on adolescents’ vocational aspiration. Based on the result, following recommendations were made: Stakeholders particularly parents should endeavour to motivate their ward towards current vocation right from the scratch. Vocational aspiration should be carefully monitored and that individual self-concept is an important factor that must be considered.    


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