Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbasis Portofolio Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V


  • Ida Ayu Putu Mirla Lestari .
  • Dra. Ni Wayan Suniasih,S.Pd, M.Pd .
  • Drs. I Ketut Adnyana Putra,M.Pd .



Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SDN 4 Panjer melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Inkuiri berbasis portofolio. Hasil penelitian pada siklus I menunjukkan bahwa (1) semua siswa taat saat berdoa, sedangkan kekushukan siswa 20,93% melirik kiri kanan, 13,95% berbicara saat persembahyangan, dan 69,76% sikap sempurna. Sikap sosial pada siklus I, 81,39% mendengarkan pendapat teman, 76,74% menanggapi pendapat teman, 79,09% cermat dan teliti, 69,76% percaya diri. (2) Nilai rata-rata kompetensi pengetahuan IPA siswa X ̅ = 65,51. (3) Pada kompetensi keterampilan siklus I 83,72% mengamati, 11,62% bertanya, 86,04% mengumpulkan informasi, 76,74% mengasosiasi, dan 34,88% mengkomunikasikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di siklus I bahwa hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V belum tuntas sehingga dilanjutkan ke siklus II. Hasil penelitian pada siklus II menunjukkan bahwa (1) seluruh siswa taat saat berdoa, sedangkan untuk kekushukan 2,32% melirik kiri kanan, 4,65% berbicara saat persembahyangan, dan 95,34% sikap sempurna. Sikap sosial pada siklus II, 95,34% mendengarkan pendapat temannya, 81,39% menganggapi pendapat temannya, 93,02% kerjasama, 95,34% disiplin, 97,67% bertanggung jawab, 93,02% mandiri, 90,69% percaya diri. (2) Nilai rata-rata kompetensi pengetahuan IPA pada siklus II X ̅ = 87,47 meningkat dari siklus I sebesar 21,96. (3) Pada kompetensi keterampilan siklus II 90,69% mengamati, 41,86% bertanya, 86,04% mengumpulkan informasi, 86,04% mengasosiasi, dan 48,83% mengkomunikasikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada siklus II bahwa hasil belajar IPA siswa meningkat maka dapat dihentikan pada siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Inkuiri berbasis portofolio dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas V SDN 4 Panjer.
Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri, Portofolio, Hasil Belajar IPA

This classroom action research aimed to improve learning outcomes fifth grade science students at SDN 4 Panjer through the implementation of inquiry-based learning model portfolio. The results of the first research cycle shows that (1) all students obey during prayer, while 20.93% students humidity are glances left and right, talking during prayers 13.95%, and 69.76% perfect attitude. Social attitudes in the first cycle, 81.39% listen to the opinion of friends, respond to the opinion of friends 76.74%, 79.09% carefully and thoroughly, 69.76% confidence. (2) The average value of students' competency knowledge IPA X ̅ = 65.51. (3) In the first cycle skill competencies observed 83.72%, 11.62% ask, 86.04% gather information, associates 76.74%, and 34.88% communicate. Based on the results of the reseach in the first cycle that learning outcomes fifth grade science students have not completed so that continued into the second cycle. The result in the second reseach cycle shows that (1) all students obey the time to pray, the humidity, 2.32% glancing left and right, talking during prayers 4.65%, and 95.34% perfect attitude. Social attitudes in the second cycle, 95.34% listen to their friend opinion, respons to their friend opinion 81.39%, 93.02% of them cooperatives, discipline 95.34%, 97.67% responsible, self-contained 93.02%, 90.69 % confidence. (2) The average value of competence knowledge IPA in the second cycle X ̅ = 87.47 increase from the first cycle of 21.96. (3) In the second cycle skill competencies observed 90.69%, 41.86% ask, 86.04% gather information, associates 86.04%, and 48.83% communicate. Based on the results of research in cycle 2 that the results of the students to learn science has reached complete learn at a very good category that is equal to 93.02%. Based on these results it can be concluded that the implementation of inquiry-based learning model portfolio can improve learning outcomes fifth grade science students at SDN 4 Panjer.
keyword : Inquiry Learning Model, Portfolio, Science Learning Outcomes



How to Cite

., I. A. P. M. L., ., D. N. W. S. M., & ., D. I. K. A. P. (2016). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbasis Portofolio Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V . MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha, 4(1).


