
  • Ni Luh Putri Laranangis .
  • Putu Agus Mayuni, S.Pd, M. Si. .
  • Made Diah Angendari, S.Pd. .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Proses penerapan ragam hias pada tekstil dengan perpaduan teknik ikatcelup (jumputan) dan teknik batik, (2) Kendala yang ditemukan dalam proses penerapan ragam hias pada tekstil dengan perpaduan teknik ikatcelup (jumputan) dan teknik batik serta cara penanggulangannya, (3) hasil dari penerapan ragam hias pada tekstil dengan perpaduan teknik ikatcelup (jumputan) dan teknik batik. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experiment menggunakan metode pengambilan data observasi. Proses penilaian dilakukan oleh 15 orang panelis atau expert dan hasilnya menggunakan Acuan Patokan Skala 5. Hasil penelitianini menunjukkan bahwa (1) proses penerapan ragam hias terdiri dari, tahap pertama merupakan tahap pra produksi yang terdiri dari persiapan alat, persiapan bahan, pencucian kain, perendaman kain dan pengeringan. Tahap kedua merupakan tahap produksi, terdiri dari proses pembuatan ragam hias atau motif dengan teknik ikat celup dan dilanjutkan dengan menerapkan ragam hias motif dengan teknik batik, (2) Kendala-kendala yang ditemukan yaitu dari segi desain, perendaman kain, proses ikat, proses membuka ikatan, proses luntur, proses pencelupan batik, dan proses pelorodan. (3) Hasil dari penerapan ragam hias menunjukan persentase 86,66% tergolong “Sangat Baik”. Sedangkan ditinjau dari segi warna menunjukan persentase 90% dalam tergolong “Sangat Baik”.
Kata Kunci : Ragam hias, teknik ikat celup, jumputan, dan teknik batik.

The observation aimed at knowing: (1) Implementation process of decoration style in textile with tie dye and batik technique combination, (2) Obstacle that was found in implementation process of decoration style in textile with tie dye and batik technique in overcoming, (3) Result of implementation process of decoration style in textile with tie dye and batik technique. Method was used in implementation process of decoration style in textile with tie dye and batik technique was an observation method with type of observation that was observed from its way to be experimented. The evaluation was conducted by 15 panelists or expert and the result agreed with reference of 5 scale standard. The result of observation showed, implementing decoration style in textile after passing through some processes; the first phase was pre-production phase. In this step, consisted of five steps;. The second phase, was production phase, where it consisted of two processes; making of decoration style or motif with tie dye and continued with implementing decoration style of batik technique. Regarding to the data had been obtained from observation result data on panelist’s evaluation; found that the result of decoration style implementation with tie dye and batik technique combination was observed from decoration style aspect was 86.66% “Very Good”. Whereas, the result of decoration style implementation in textile with tie dye and batik technique was observed from colors aspect was 90% “Very Good”.
keyword : Decoration Style, Ikat Celup Technique, Tie Dye and Batik Technique.




