Peer Review Process

Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu implements a single-blind peer review policy, in which the identity of the reviewers remains confidential from the authors. Authors are expected to prepare their manuscripts honestly, without fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or data manipulation that violates scientific ethical standards. Submitted manuscripts are evaluated by anonymous reviewers based on their scientific contribution, originality, relevance, and quality of presentation.

Peer Review Process

Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu follows a rigorous and transparent review process to ensure the quality and credibility of published articles. The journal adopts a single-blind peer review model, where the reviewers' identities remain concealed throughout the review process.

Submission and Initial Evaluation

Each submitted manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation by the editorial team to assess its relevance and compliance with the journal’s scope and guidelines. Manuscripts that meet the initial criteria are forwarded to at least two anonymous reviewers, who are members of the Editorial Board or experts in the relevant field. Manuscripts that pass this stage proceed to the next review process.

Peer Review Process

After passing the initial selection, manuscripts are reviewed by at least two independent expert reviewers in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and academic contributions within the respective discipline.

Review Criteria

Reviewers assess manuscripts based on the following aspects:

  • Scientific quality, including methodological accuracy and clarity of analysis
  • Originality, the extent to which the research contributes new knowledge to the field
  • Relevance, the alignment with the scope of Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu
  • Clarity of presentation, including language accuracy, structure, and logical flow
  • Compliance with publication ethics, including data accuracy and proper referencing

Reviewers are also expected to provide constructive feedback and recommendations to help authors improve the quality of their manuscripts.

Review Duration

Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu is committed to an efficient and timely peer review process. Authors will be informed of the review results within 4 to 12 weeks. The final decision regarding manuscript acceptance or rejection is at the sole discretion of the Editor, and no further correspondence will be entertained regarding manuscripts deemed unsuitable for publication.

All notifications, including editorial decisions and revision requests, will be communicated via email.