Publications Ethics and Policies

Indonesian Values and Character Education Journal (IVCEJ) upholds the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical publishing. The journal strictly adheres to the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure the integrity, credibility, and transparency of the scholarly publishing process.


Types of Misconduct

IVCEJ considers the following as serious breaches of research ethics:

  • Plagiarism: Using others’ work or ideas without proper attribution.
  • Fabrication: Creating false or fictitious data or findings.
  • Falsification: Manipulating data to misrepresent research outcomes.
  • Authorship Misconduct: Improper author attribution, including ghostwriting or honorary authorship.
  • Conflict of Interest: Failure to disclose financial, personal, or professional relationships that may influence research.
  • Research Misconduct: Violating ethical research standards or integrity.

Reporting and Whistleblower Protection

Anyone, including authors, reviewers, or readers, may report suspected misconduct. IVCEJ ensures confidentiality and protection for whistleblowers who act in good faith to maintain research integrity.

Investigation and Corrective Actions

Upon receiving a misconduct allegation, IVCEJ will conduct a thorough, unbiased investigation, consulting experts and original data as necessary.

  • Pre-publication allegations: The editorial board may postpone publication until the investigation is resolved.
  • Post-publication allegations: IVCEJ will assess the claim and, if misconduct is confirmed, may retract the article, issue corrections, or notify relevant institutions.



As an open-access journal operating under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) license, IVCEJ ensures that authors retain copyright while allowing broad distribution and reuse of their work.

Authorship and Contributorship

IVCEJ requires authorship to be based on substantial intellectual contributions to research conception, design, data analysis, interpretation, and manuscript development. Authors must:

  • Make significant contributions to the study.
  • Approve the final version of the manuscript.
  • Be accountable for the accuracy and integrity of the research.

To promote transparency, a contributorship statement may be requested, outlining each author’s specific contributions.

Authorship Disputes and Changes

Authorship disputes will be investigated based on COPE guidelines, requiring evidence of contributions from all involved parties. Any changes in authorship (addition, removal, or rearrangement) after submission will only be considered in exceptional cases, requiring written consent from all authors.

Prohibited Authorship Practices

  • Honorary authorship (listing individuals who did not contribute significantly).
  • Ghost authorship (excluding individuals who made significant contributions).
  • Minor contributors should be acknowledged but not listed as authors.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Authors must disclose any financial, institutional, or personal relationships that may affect research interpretation to ensure transparency and credibility.

Ethical Compliance in Research

Authors must adhere to ethical research standards, including:

  • Informed consent for studies involving human participants.
  • Ethical treatment of research subjects, including animals.
  • Proper permissions for copyrighted materials.



Types of Complaints

Complaints may arise from various ethical concerns, including but not limited to:

  • Allegations of research misconduct or ethical violations in published articles.
  • Claims of bias, discrimination, or unfair treatment by the editorial board or reviewers.
  • Disputes related to the peer-review process.
  • Accusations of plagiarism, copyright infringement, or data fabrication.
  • Conflicts of interest or undisclosed competing interests.

Submitting a Complaint

Authors, reviewers, and readers may submit complaints via the journal’s official email. The complaint should include the complainant’s contact details, a detailed description of the issue, and supporting evidence.

Confidentiality and Anonymity

IVCEJ ensures that all complaints are handled with strict confidentiality. The identities of both the complainant and the individuals involved will remain protected throughout the investigation process.

Investigation Process

Upon receiving a complaint, the editorial office will conduct an initial assessment to determine its validity. If the issue falls outside the journal’s jurisdiction, the complainant will be informed and directed to the appropriate authority. If the complaint is within scope, the editorial board will initiate an impartial investigation, gathering additional information and consulting relevant parties.

Editorial Independence and Impartiality

If the complaint involves the editorial board or publisher, IVCEJ will take measures to ensure those individuals do not participate in the investigation, maintaining objectivity and fairness.

Resolution and Appeals

Once the investigation is complete, the complainant will be notified of the outcome and any corrective actions taken. If dissatisfied, they may submit an appeal with additional evidence. An independent appeals committee, free from prior involvement, will reassess the case and provide a final decision.



Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest arises when an individual or entity has financial, personal, professional, or academic relationships that could influence, or be perceived to influence, their objectivity and decision-making in research, review, editorial, or publishing processes.

Identification of Conflicts of Interest

All individuals involved in the publication process must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, including but not limited to:

  • Financial interests: Funding sources, employment, stock ownership, consultancy, or other financial relationships related to the research.
  • Personal relationships: Family ties or close personal relationships with individuals connected to the research or publication.
  • Academic relationships: Past or present collaborations or affiliations that may create bias.
  • Competing affiliations: Connections with competing institutions or organizations that may have a vested interest in the research.
  • Intellectual property: Ownership of patents, copyrights, or any proprietary interests related to the work.

Handling Conflicts of Interest

  • For Authors: Authors must disclose all potential conflicts of interest at the time of manuscript submission. If a conflict is discovered after publication, authors must notify the editorial board immediately for transparent resolution.
  • For Reviewers: Reviewers should decline review invitations if they have conflicts that may compromise their impartiality. If a conflict arises during the review, they must inform the editorial board promptly.
  • For Editors and Journal Staff: Editors and journal staff must recuse themselves from handling submissions in which they have conflicts of interest. The editorial board will make the final decision on handling such cases.
  • For Publishers: Publishers must ensure that editorial decisions remain independent of financial or institutional interests.

Transparency and Disclosure

IVCEJ is committed to full transparency in conflict-of-interest disclosures. All relevant disclosures will be published alongside articles, reviews, or editorials. Additionally, editors, reviewers, and relevant stakeholders who co-author submitted articles will have restricted access to the publication process to maintain objectivity.



Data Availability and Transparency

Authors are encouraged to make all underlying research data fully accessible to facilitate verification and reproducibility. They must provide comprehensive details on data collection, methodology, and analysis. If requested, authors should grant access to raw data.

  • Quantitative Research: Datasets should be deposited in recognized repositories, with links provided in the manuscript. If data cannot be publicly shared due to ethical or legal constraints, authors must justify the restrictions and outline an alternative access mechanism.
  • Qualitative Research: Authors should describe data sources and research methods in detail, and where applicable, provide excerpts or representative examples supporting their findings.

Adherence to Reporting Guidelines

To ensure clarity and completeness, authors must follow recognized reporting guidelines relevant to their study design. Proper reporting enhances research transparency, facilitates peer review, and supports reproducibility.

Clinical Trial Registration

For studies involving human participants, authors must register their trials in recognized clinical trial registries before participant enrollment. IVCEJ follows WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) guidelines and supports adherence to international standards for research involving human subjects.

Reproducibility and Verification

Authors must provide detailed descriptions of methodologies, protocols, and analytical approaches to enable other researchers to replicate their findings. Transparency in research methods is fundamental to scientific progress.

Proper Data Citation

All datasets and external sources must be properly cited in accordance with standard citation formats. This ensures proper attribution, enhances academic integrity, and supports open research practices.

Ethical Compliance and Editorial Oversight

IVCEJ's editorial board and peer reviewers will assess compliance with data availability and research transparency requirements during the review process. Authors may be required to provide additional information or clarifications.



Consent to Publication

Authors must obtain explicit consent from all individuals or entities mentioned in their research. This includes consent for publishing identifiable information, images, or personal data. Proper documentation of consent should be provided during manuscript submission.

Research on Vulnerable Populations

Research involving children, the elderly, individuals with mental disabilities, or marginalized groups must follow strict ethical guidelines. Authors should provide a clear justification for including such populations and ensure that ethical considerations are addressed.

Ethical Use of Animals in Research

Studies involving animals must comply with national and international ethical regulations. Authors should state institutional ethics committee approval and demonstrate adherence to humane treatment standards in their manuscripts.

Ethical Conduct in Human Subject Research

For research involving human participants, authors must obtain informed consent and follow ethical guidelines such as the Declaration of Helsinki. Research protocols must receive approval from the institutional review board (IRB) or ethics committee before data collection.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

IVCEJ ensures the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts and reviewer comments. Editorial staff and reviewers must not disclose any information related to submissions to unauthorized parties.

Ethical Business and Publishing Practices

IVCEJ is committed to fair and transparent publishing. The journal does not engage in predatory publishing, misleading marketing, or unethical business practices that compromise academic integrity.

Compliance and Ethical Oversight

Authors must fully comply with these ethical guidelines. Failure to adhere may result in manuscript rejection, retraction, or other corrective actions. Authors should disclose any potential ethical concerns during submission.



Copyright and Publishing Licenses

Authors submitting their work to the IVCEJ  retain the copyright of their articles while granting the journal a non-exclusive right to publish, reproduce, and distribute the article. All published content is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) license, allowing others to share and adapt the work, provided they give appropriate credit and share any derivative works under the same license.

Prepublication Considerations
IVCEJ considers only original manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere. Prepublication, including posting on preprint servers, personal websites, or institutional repositories, may exclude consideration for publication. However, presenting research findings at conferences or sharing preprints on preprint servers will not necessarily disqualify a manuscript, as long as these do not constitute prior formal publication or identical documents.

Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited by IVCEJ. Authors must ensure their submitted work is original and properly cited. The editorial board uses plagiarism detection software (Turnitin) during the review process to identify potential instances of plagiarism. Manuscripts with a similarity score exceeding 25% will be automatically rejected.

Redundant/Overlapping Publication
IVCEJ does not consider manuscripts that substantially overlap with works previously published. Authors are discouraged from submitting manuscripts that have been published, accepted for publication, or are under review elsewhere. Republishing a previously published work without proper acknowledgment or justification will be considered redundant publication and will not be accepted.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may be perceived to influence the research, analysis, or interpretation of their findings. This includes financial interests, affiliations, or personal relationships that could compromise the impartiality and credibility of the research. IVCEJ promotes full transparency regarding conflicts of interest, and all disclosures should be made clearly and comprehensively.



IVCEJ encourages post-publication discussions to foster an open and constructive scholarly dialogue on published articles. Authors, readers, and the broader scientific community are invited to engage in evidence-based debates, offering additional insights or perspectives on the content and findings of published research.

Post-Publication Discussion Channels:

  • Letters to the Editor: Readers are welcome to submit letters to the editor to share their opinions, comments, or additional insights regarding specific articles. The editorial board will review these submissions and may publish selected letters to enhance the scholarly conversation.
  • Comments on the Website: For security reasons, direct comments on the journal's website are not permitted. Instead, comments are to be submitted through the journal's submission system to facilitate organized discussions and interactions.
  • External Moderated Platforms: IVCEJ acknowledges the value of external platforms such as PubPeer for scholarly discussions. Readers may also engage in discussions on these moderated sites about IVCEJ articles and their findings.

Corrections, Revisions, and Retractions:
IVCEJ is committed to maintaining the accuracy and integrity of all published works. Should any errors or inaccuracies be identified after publication, the journal will take appropriate actions:

  • Corrections: Minor typographical errors or factual inaccuracies that do not affect the scientific content will be addressed with a formal correction. The correction will clearly specify the errors and provide the accurate information.
  • Revisions: If substantial errors are found that impact the scientific content, the author(s) will be asked to submit a revised version of the article. This revised version will undergo editorial review, and upon approval, it will be published with a note indicating the changes made.
  • Retractions: In the case of severe misconduct, ethical violations, or fraudulent data, the article may be retracted. If a retraction occurs, the article will remain accessible with a clear notice and explanation of the retraction.



IVCEJ is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and policies. To ensure that the journal’s practices remain relevant and effective, these ethics and policies are regularly reviewed and monitored. This ongoing review process helps to align the journal's operations with the evolving standards of academic publishing, digital preservation, and ethical research practices. The journal’s editorial board conducts periodic assessments of its ethical guidelines to ensure that they comply with the latest international best practices. This includes monitoring developments in areas such as data integrity, authorship, conflict of interest, peer review processes, and open access policies. Additionally, the journal ensures that all published works are preserved according to current digital preservation standards to guarantee long-term access and availability for the academic community.