The Effect of Problem Based Animated Learning Video on Science Content
Animated Video, IPA, Problem based learningAbstract
The results of observations and preliminary research show that the background to several problems is the lack of use of creative learning media so that students are less active and less interested in learning so there is a lack of interaction between teachers and students. This is caused by teachers who still do not understand the use of technology in providing learning media for students. The solution to overcome this problem is the need to use creative and innovative learning media in schools to support the learning process. This development research aims to develop animated learning videos based on problem based learning. This research uses the ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model. Data collection used questionnaire and test methods. The test subjects for this research were learning content experts, learning design experts, learning media experts, individual tests, small group tests and students. The data analysis techniques used in this research are qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, quantitative descriptive analysis techniques, and t-test inferential statistics. This development research includes the results of: (1) design and development of learning videos, namely the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation; (2) product trial results, namely: Assessment from learning design experts, namely 95% (very good), individual trial results, namely 87.2% (very good) and small group trial results, namely 80% (very good); (3) animated learning videos are effectively used to improve learning outcomes.
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