Morphological Process in Kei Dialect


  • Servasius. Tawurutubun .
  • Prof. Dr.I Nyoman Adi Jaya Putra, M.A. .
  • Dr. I Gede Budasi, M.Ed. .



MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESS IN KEI DIALECT A DESCRITIVE STUDY BY SERVASIUS TAWURUTUBUN 1212021132 ABSTRACT Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis proses morfologis, awalan dan akhiran, serta bagaimana imbuhan dalam membangun kata-kata dan apa jenis makna afiksasi yang terjadi dalam Dialek Kei. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Dua sampel informan dari Dialek Kei dipilih berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan. Data dikumpulkan berdasarkan dua teknik, yaitu: observasi,mendengarkan, mencatat dan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga belas kata awalan, dan sepuluh akhiran yang ada di Kei Dialect. Awalannya adalah {naf-}, {nef-}, {nar-}, {ner}, {ha-}, {nga-} {kaf}, {ma-}, {mar-}, {var-}, {nam-} {nat-} {a-} dan Sufiks adalah {-n}, {-an}, {- ang}, {-am}, {im-} {-um], {-ar}, {-he} , {-ir}, {-ab}. Ada enam jenis reduplikasi seperti reduplikasi dasar, reduplikasi variatif dan reduplikasi awalan, reduplikasi sufiks, reduplikasi parsial, dan reduplikasi kuasi dan semuanya ada dalam dialek Kei.
Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci: Affiksasi,Morfologi,Kata kata rduplicative,Kei Dialects

MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESS IN KEI DIALECT A DESCRITIVE STUDY BY SERVASIUS TAWURUTUBUN 1212021132 ABSTRACT This study aimed at describing kinds of morphological process, prefixes and suffixes ,and how affixes construct the words and what kinds of affixation meaning occur in Kei Dialect. This research was a descriptive qualitative research. Two informant samples of Kei Dialect were chosen based on set criteria. The data were collected based on two techniques, namely: observation,{listening, noting} and interview technique. The results of the study show that there are tweleve prefixes, and ten suffixes which existed in Kei Dialect. The prefixes are {naf-}, {nef-}, {nar-}, {ner}, {ha-}, {nga-} {kaf}, {ma-}, {mar-}, {var-}, {nam-} {nat-} and The suffixes are {-n}, {-an},{-ang}, {-am}, {im-} {-um], {-ar}, {-he}, {-ir}, {-ab}. There were six kinds of reduplication such as base reduplication, variative reduplication and prefix reduplication, suffix reduplication, partial reduplication and quasi reduplication and all of them existed in Kei dialect. .
keyword : Keyword: Affixation, Morpholology, reduplicative words,Kei Dialects




