An Analysis of Indonesian-English Code Mixing Used in Gaul Tabloid


  • Ni Putu Risma Listyariani .
  • Prof. Dr.I Ketut Seken,MA .
  • Drs. Asril Marjohan,MA .



Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis code mixing yang digunakan pada tabloid Gaul berdasarkan teori Ho (2007) dan Kannaovakun (2003), faktor-faktor penyebab penggunaan code mixing di artikel dan apakah penggunaan code mixing tersebut dapat dimengerti oleh pembaca atau tidak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dokumen. Penelitian ini menganalisis tiga rubrik, yaitu, “Sampul Gaul”, “Gaul Ilmiah”, dan “Ada Apa” pada tiga edisi tabloid Gaul. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tujuh jenis code mixing yang digunakan dalam tabloid Gaul berdasarkan teori Ho. Sementara itu, hanya ditemukan empat jenis code mixing yang digunakan dalam tabloid berdasarkan teori Kannaovakun. Faktor penyebab penggunaan code mixing pada tabloid Gaul antara lain psycholinguistic motivation yaitu relative ease of accessibility, dan sociopragmatic motivation yang mencakup specificity, bilingual punning, dan the principle of economy. Setelah dianalisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan code mixing pada tabloid tidak menimbulkan hambatan kepada para pembaca dalam memahami informasi yang terdapat di dalam teks. Selain itu, penggunaan code mixing dapat menambah perbendaharaan kata bahasa Inggris pembaca.
Kata Kunci : Indonesian-English code mixing, Gaul tabloid.

This study was a descriptive qualitative research. The aims of this study were analyzing the types of English code mixing used in Gaul tabloid based on Ho’s (2007) and Kannaovakun’s (2003) classifications framework, the factors that cause the use of code mixing in the articles, and whether or not code mixing can be understood by the readers. The data were collected through documents. This study analyzed three rubrics such as “Sampul Gaul”, “Gaul Ilmiah”, and “Ada Apa” in the three editions of Gaul tabloid. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The result of this study showed that there were seven types of code mixing which were used in the tabloid based on Ho’s classifications framework. Meanwhile, based on Kannaovakun’s classifications framework, there were only four types occurring from six types stated by Kannaovakun. The factors that caused the use of code mixing in Gaul tabloid were psycholinguistic motivation which covered relative ease of accessibility, and sociopragmatic motivation which covered specificity, bilingual punning, and the principle of economy. After being analyzed it can be concluded that the use of code mixing in the tabloid does not cause any obstacles to the readers in understanding the information contained in the text and it can enrich vocabulary bank of the readers.
keyword : Indonesian-English code mixing, Gaul tabloid.




