The The Multimodal Discourse Analysis on “Teh Pucuk Harum” Advertisement Video


  • Made Prananda Aditya Salain English Language Education Department, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia



Advertisement Video, Interpersonal Meaning, Multimodal Discourse Analysis,


In the world of digital technology, digital advertisement is a process of introducing and persuading the consumer to buy the product. The advertiser also needs to consider the culture, situation, interaction, and population in which the advertisement is addressed. This study aimed to analyze the interpersonal meaning of the “Teh Pucuk Harum” advertisement video. The research is conducted qualitatively. The current research discusses interpersonal meaning using multimodal discourse analysis. Therefore, the analysis will be done on the video, image, speech, and video length. The research implemented the analytical-qualitative procedures. In order to explore the meaning conveyed by the video in terms of the speech and music, image, and duration. “Teh Pucuk Harum” was chosen as the research object because the drink is popular with Indonesian people and the main ingredients as the commodity in Indonesia. Tea is also well-known as a beneficial plant. Thus, the research found the interpersonal meaning conveyed through the video's speech, music, image, and duration. Combining those components attracts the audience’s attention to buy the product.


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