Developing Differentiated electronic Supplementary Reading Exercises for the Slow Learners of Seventh Year Students at SMP N 2 Singaraja


  • Ni Nyoman Ayu Utari Dewi .
  • Prof. Dr. Putu Kerti Nitiasih, MA .
  • Ni Wayan Surya Mahayanti, S.Pd, M.Pd .



Mengintegrasikan ICT dalam pembelajaran telah menjadi tuntutan Kurikulum 2013. Namun, tidak semua guru memiliki media untuk mendukung integrasi ICT dalam pembelajaran. Padahal, integrasi ICT dapat membantu para guru untuk mengakomodasi keragaman siswa dengan menggunakan differentiated instruction. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi jenis latihan bacaan tambahan yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa kelas tujuh di SMP N 2 Singaraja; (2) mengidentifikasi desain latihan bacaan tambahan elektronik untuk siswa kelas tujuh yang berkemampuan dibawah rata-rata di SMP N 2 Singaraja; (3) mengukur kualitas latihan bacaan tambahan elektronik untuk siswa kelas tujuh yang berkemampuan dibawah rata-rata di SMP N 2 Singaraja. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pada desain penelitian dan pengembangan oleh Sugiono (2011). Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, wawancara, observasi, uji ahli dan studi lapangan. Hasil data dianalisa lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan Intrerrater Agreement Model dari Gregory (2000). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) latihan membaca tambahan yang dibutuhkan oleh siswa kelas tujuh yang berkemampuan dibawah rata-rata di SMP N 2 Singaraja adalah latihan bacaan tambahan yang terintegrasi dengan ICT; (2) desain latihan bacaan tambahan elektronik untuk siswa kelas tujuh yang berkemampuan dibawah rata-rata di SMP N 2 Singaraja berdasarkan kebutuhan; (3) latihan bacaan tambahan elektronik untuk peserta didik yang lambat dikategorikan sebagai latihan berkualitas tinggi siswa kelas tujuh yang berkemampuan dibawah rata-rata di SMP N 2 Singaraja berdasarkan validitas isi, validitas empiris, kualitas tes media dan bidang.
Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: R & D, Differentiated Instruction, Siswa dibawah rata-rata, Latihan tambahan, Latihan Membaca Elektronik.

Integrating ICT in learning has become the demands of Curriculum 2013. Yet, not all of the teacher have media to support the integration of ICT in learning. Whereas, the integration of ICT may help the teachers to accomodate students’ diversity by using differentiated instruction. Thus, this study aimed at: (1) identifying kinds of supplementary reading exercises are needed by the Seventh Year Students at SMP N 2 Singaraja; (2) identifying the design of the electronic supplementary reading exercises for the slow learners of seventh year students at SMP N 2 Singaraja; (3) measuring the quality of the electronic supplementary reading exercises for the slow learners of seventh year students at SMP N 2 Singaraja. This study was conducted based on the research and development design proposed by Sugiono (2011). The data of the study were collected through questionnaire, interview, observation, expert judge and field study. The results of the data were further analyzed by using descriptive analysis and interrater agreement model from by Gregory (2000). The result of the study showed that (1) the supplementary reading exercise needed by the seventh year students at SMP N 2 Singaraja was supplementary reading exercise which was integrated with ICT; (2) the design of the electronic supplementary reading exercise for the slow learners was developed based on the needs; (3) the electronic supplementary reading exercise for the slow learners was categorized as high quality exercises based on content validity, empirical validity, quality of the media and field test.
keyword : Key words: R&D, Differentiated Instruction, Slow Learners, Supplementary Exercise, Electronic Reading Exercise




