Development of assistive technology e-books basic concepts of art for children with learning disabilities



Kata Kunci:

assistive technology, e-book, learning disabilities


This study examines the development of teaching materials in the form of e-books as learning aids for children with learning disabilities. Development is carried out on the basis of the needs and learning styles of students. Therefore, the research and development (R&D) approach was used in this study. The model developed using ADDIE, first analyzes, designs, develops, implements, and evaluates the results of the development. The expert validation stage is carried out on curriculum experts, media, and education practitioners. The trial was carried out on students at various levels, (1, 3, 5, and 7) with a total of 25 respondents. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a Likert scale, after being given an e-book the respondents were then asked to fill out a questionnaire. The results showed that the development of assistive technology for e-books with the basic concept of art received a good response, was understandable, looked attractive, and was effective or feasible to use. In conclusion, students through the use of the basic concept art e-book managed to achieve not only a better level of socialization, but also managed to achieve most of the objectives of the lesson plan program for the development of motor, speech, language, reading, writing and memory skills.

Biografi Penulis

Lina Novita, Pakuan University



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Cara Mengutip

Novita, L., Sundari , F. S. ., Vonti, L. H. ., & Purnamasari, R. . (2022). Development of assistive technology e-books basic concepts of art for children with learning disabilities. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran, 55(2), 375–384.


