Strategies for Fostering Religious Character in Adolescents: An Analysis of IPNU-IPPNU's BRUS Program


  • Syarifah Setiana Ardiati Institut Agama Islam Latifah Mubarokiyah Tasikmalaya, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Hinayatulohi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Az Zahra Tasikmalaya



Character, Religious, School-Age Adolescent Guidance


In the era of globalization, uncontrolled free association can have a negative impact on the character of adolescents, making it crucial for educational organizations to develop religious character among the younger generation. IPNU-IPPNU, as an organization engaged in education, plays a strategic role in helping the government foster adolescents with religious character. This study aims to analyze the strategies implemented by IPNU-IPPNU in shaping religious character in adolescents through the BRUS program. This study uses a mixed-method approach, with data collection techniques including observation, interviews, document studies, and surveys. The collected data were analyzed using three main steps: data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results show that the strategies employed by IPNU-IPPNU in shaping religious character involve three stages: first, strategic planning, which includes problem identification, needs analysis, strategy analysis, and activity design; second, strategy implementation, involving Training of Facilitators and the application of the BRUS program in educational institutions; third, strategy evaluation, including the evaluation of participant enthusiasm and the assessment of participants' understanding of the material presented. The conclusion of this study is that the strategic steps taken by IPNU-IPPNU have proven effective in shaping the religious character of adolescents, although improvements and strengthening in several aspects, especially in enhancing active participant engagement and understanding of the values taught.



How to Cite

Ardiati, S. S., & Hinayatulohi , A. (2025). Strategies for Fostering Religious Character in Adolescents: An Analysis of IPNU-IPPNU’s BRUS Program. Mimbar Ilmu, 29(3).