The Development of Transformation Geometry Learning Medium with Scientific Approach As Effort to Improve the Understanding Concept Skill


  • Agung Wirapathi Ganesha University ofEducation
  • Made Candiasa Ganesha University ofEducation
  • Pasek Suryawan Ganesha University of Education


Kata Kunci:

learning medium, transformation geometry, 4-D


"> The development research aims to describe: (1) storyboard; (2) the implementation results; and (3) the usability of the
transformation geometry learning medium with scientific approach. The development uses 4-D model which consisting of
define, design, develop, and disseminate, but this research is only up to the develop step. The results showed that the
transformation geometry learning medium with scientific approach can be accepted as a learning medium with very valid
category, which seen from the validity score is 4.37. Learning medium developed got excellent response with the average
score of practicability is 4.5. This learning medium also has a high effectiveness in learning process with the level of student
activity reached the average score around 4.2, and the classical completeness is 80%. Based on the result of the research, it’s
expected that the transformation geometry learning medium with scientific approach can be used in learning process.


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Cara Mengutip

Wirapathi, A., Candiasa, M., & Suryawan, P. (2019). The Development of Transformation Geometry Learning Medium with Scientific Approach As Effort to Improve the Understanding Concept Skill. Journal of Education Technology, 2(2), 76–81.


