Analisis Kebutuhan Pelatihan Karyawan pada Hotel
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh penjelasan deskriptif tentang (1) Job description dengan job specification karyawan, (2) Kesesuaian antara job description dengan job specification karyawan, (3) Standar kinerja dan tingkat pencapaian kinerja karyawan, dan (4) Jumlah karyawan pada Hotel Puri Saron Baruna Beach Cottages yang perlu diberikan pelatihan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan pencatatan dokumen, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Terdapat 7 unit kerja dengan masing-masing job description dan job specificationnya, (2) Terdapat 5 unit kerja yang tidak memiliki kesesuaian antara job description dengan job specification, (3) Rata-rata pencapaian kinerja hampir semua unit kerja masih berada pada kategori belum mencapai standar kinerja yang sudah ditentukan, (4) Jumlah karyawan di Hotel Puri Saron Baruna Beach Cottages yang perlu mengikuti pelatihan sejumlah 21 orang yang tersebar di masing-masing unit kerja yang ada.Kata Kunci : job description, job specification, dan analisis kebutuhan pelatihan
This research aimed to get a descriptive explanation about (1) Employees’ job description with job specification, (2) The conformity between job description and job specification of employees, (3) Performance standards and performance achievement rate of employees and (4) Number of Puri Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel employees who needed to be trained. The research design used in this research was qualitative-descriptive design. Data were collected by documents recording, then analyzed with descriptive analyze method. The result of the research shown that: (1) There are 7 work sections with their own job description and job specification, (2) There are 5 work sections that don’t have conformity between the job description and the job specification, (3) The average performance achievement rate of most work sections still haven’t reached the standard performance determined, (4) Number of Puri Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel employees who need to attend the training is 21 employees that spread in each work sections.
keyword : job description, job specification, and training need analysis
How to Cite
., P. N. H., ., N. N. Y. S., & ., D. W. B. M. (2016). Analisis Kebutuhan Pelatihan Karyawan pada Hotel. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, 4(1). Retrieved from