Reading-related Activities in English Textbook and Text Exploitation in the Classroom for Junior High School


  • Kadek Dwi Dharmapatni Rahendra Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha



Reading-Related Activities, text exploitation, Reading Comprehension, kegiaran terkait membaca, eksploitasi teks, keterampilan membaca


Reading a text deepening is needed to make readers obtain the complete information of the text. However, Indonesian students are still having a low level of literacy. Therefore, suitable methods and facilities are needed to support Indonesian students reading ability improvement. This study aims to analyze reading-related activities available in the English textbook used for 7th-grade students in junior high school entitled "Pintar Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Semester 1" and describe how the texts are exploited by the teacher in the classroom. The research used the descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study are the English textbook used by students and the English teacher. The data were collected through document analysis, classroom observation, and interviews. The data was analyzed through four data analysis processes which involved data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The findings of this research revealed that the textbook entitled “Pintar Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Semester 1” published by Graha Printama Selaras, contains 8 out of 12 components of reading-related activities. The activities available in the textbook are skimming/scanning, reference, lexical item, activating, inferring, questioning, searching-selecting, and summarising activity. The most frequent text exploitation done by the teacher in the classroom is short-answer activities, brainstorming activities, true/false activities, multiple-choice tests, and completing activities.


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