The Positive Impact of E-LKPD Material on Number Patterns Based on Computational Thinking with the Malay Islamic Context on Students' Mathematical Reasoning
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Computational Thinking, E-LKPD, Malay Islamic Context, Mathematical ReasoningAbstrak
Learners still have difficulty in using patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical situations. The purpose of this study was to positively impact E-LKPD on number pattern material based on computational thinking with Malay Islamic context on students' mathematical reasoning. This research is design research with the type of development studies that have preliminary research, prototype stage, and summative evaluation stages. Data collection techniques in this research are questionnaires, interviews, and tests. The data analysis techniques in this study are questionnaires and interviews conducted qualitatively and tests measured based on mathematical reasoning indicators. The result of this research is that the E-LKPD developed is valid which is obtained from the results of expert validation and confirmation of students who get comments and suggestions. In addition, the E-LKPD which is practical can be seen from students responding to the E-LKPD. The impact that occurs after applying E-LKPD is that it makes students able to write what is known from the problem, able to find patterns and connect them, to determine the right solution procedure. The research conclusion shows that the application of E-LKPD based on computational thinking has an impact on students' mathematical reasoning ability. The implication of this research can improve students' critical thinking skills.
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