Tentang Jurnal Ini

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sains Indonesia (JPPSI) is an open access journal published by the Bachelor of Science Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha since 2018. First registered through electronic ISSN with e-ISSN number: 2623-0852 and has been accredited SINTA Peringkat 5. This journal publishes two issues per year in April and October.
This scientific journal disseminates research articles or systematic literature articles with a focus on education and learning fields such as science learning curriculum, science instruction, science learning assessment, technology-based science learning, and other fields related to improving the quality of science education and learning.
The topics covered in the articles can be categorized in physics education, chemistry education, biology education and integrated science education. The Indonesian Journal of Science Education and Learning (JPPSI), besides focusing on science education and learning, also accepts manuscripts on the integration of science education with other disciplines. Especially on the topic of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Do you have a manuscript that is ready to be submitted to JPPSI? Make sure you have registered on our website page by REGISTER. Those of you who have registered before, can LOGIN to start the manuscript submission process.
The writing style in the manuscript (Indonesian or English) must follow the writing template that we have provided (download manuscript template), follow the focus and scope, and various criteria that have been determined at JPPSI.


Kebijakan Biaya Publikasi Artikel di JPPSI untuk Terbitan April 2024 dan Seterusnya



Dalam rangka mempertahankan serta meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaaan jurnal ilmiah, mulai terbitan periode April 2024, JPPSI memberlakukan kebijakan baru terkait biaya penerbitan artikel. Setiap artikel yang telah selesai proses review dan revision serta siap untuk diterbitkan, maka author akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 300.000 per artikel untuk proses penerbitan. Kebijakan ini juga berlaku bagi author yang telah melakukan submit artikel ke jurnal JPPSI sebelum pengumuman ini diterbitkan. Demikian informasi ini diumumkan untuk menjadi perhatian. Terima kasih

Baca lebih lanjut tentang Kebijakan Biaya Publikasi Artikel di JPPSI untuk Terbitan April 2024 dan Seterusnya

Terbitan Terkini

Vol 7 No 1 (2024): JPPSI, April 2024
Diterbitkan: 2024-04-30


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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sains Indonesia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.