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In technology era, the use of digital-based media is certainly a facility that has good
prospects on the condition that it pays attention to techniques so that technology-based
learning facilities are feasible to be integrated into English language teaching including
in using digital comics as media in facilitating students in learning the language. The
interest and enthusiasm of students to learn through the use of digital comics such as
Webtoon make students feel confident in reading skills, this research was employed to
determine the effect of using media digital comic Webtoon in teaching reading
especially in sub skill vocabulary development. This research was a quasi-experimental
research using a posttest-only control group design. This research used a quantitative
approach. The research was conducted on SMP Negeri 4 Sawan, Grade IX students for
the 2023/2024 academic year. The experimental group was taught using Webtoon, and
the control group used conventional strategies. The sample was selected using an intact
group sampling technique. The total population of this study was 129 students, and the
sample was 64 students. Data was collected through a post-test through, a multiple
choice test given to students. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney U Test in
the SPSS 26.0 program. The Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples shows a
significant difference in students' vocabulary understanding between the experimental
and control classes {Sig. (U) is smaller than 0.05}. The learning outcomes of the
experimental class were higher than the control class (Mexp= 48.69; Mcon= 17.29).
Based on these results, there was a significant influence on student's vocabulary
development on teaching reading in grade IX students SMP Negeri 4 Sawan. Students'
responses to the application of reading Webtoon in vocabulary development are
positive. This can be seen from an increase in metacognition through increasing
students' vocabulary development and in the affective aspect, namely increasing
motivation, self-confidence, interest in learning, and students' sense of enjoyment. This
research implied that a webtoon media was recommended for implementation by
teachers in the classroom.
Key Words: Teaching Reading, Vocabulary Development, Webtoon
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