Peer Review Process

Indonesian Journal of Educational Research and Review (IJERR) follows a rigorous and transparent peer-review process to ensure the quality, integrity, and credibility of published articles. The journal employs a single-blind peer-review process, meaning that the reviewers remain anonymous to the authors, while the authors' identities are disclosed to the reviewers. This review system helps maintain a fair and unbiased evaluation of manuscripts while ensuring high academic standards. Each submission is assessed for originality, relevance, methodology, and contribution to the field before a final publication decision is made.

Submission and Initial Evaluation

Upon submission, every manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation by the editorial team. The team assesses the manuscript's relevance to the journal's scope, adherence to submission guidelines, and overall quality. Manuscripts that meet the journal’s requirements are assigned a unique identification number and moved forward in the review process.

Peer Review

This journal operates a conventional single-blind reviewing policy in which the reviewer's name is always concealed from the submitting author. Authors should present their papers honestly without fabrication, falsification, plagiarism or inappropriate data manipulation. Submitted papers are evaluated by anonymous referees for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. Papers will be sent for anonymous review by at least two reviewers who will either be members of the Editorial Board or others of similar standing in the field. In order to shorten the review process and respond quickly to authors, the Editors may triage a submission and come to a decision without sending the paper for external review. The Editor shall inform you of the results of the review as soon as possible, hopefully in 8 weeks. The Editors’ decision is final and no correspondence can be entered into concerning manuscripts considered unsuitable for publication in this ournal. All correspondence, including notification of the Editors’ decision and requests for revisions, will be sent by email.

Single-Blind Review

In the single-blind peer-review process, the reviewers remain anonymous to the authors, while the authors' identities are visible to the reviewers. This approach allows reviewers to evaluate the manuscript based on its academic merit without revealing their identities, ensuring an objective and unbiased assessment. By maintaining reviewer anonymity, the process helps preserve impartiality and integrity in the evaluation of submissions.

Review Criteria

Reviewers are asked to evaluate the manuscript based on several criteria:

  • Scientific Quality: Is the research sound and methodologically robust?
  • Originality: Does the manuscript contribute new knowledge to the field?
  • Relevance: How well does the paper align with the journal's scope and objectives?
  • Clarity of Presentation: Is the manuscript well-organized, clear, and comprehensible?
  • Ethical Standards: Does the manuscript adhere to ethical guidelines in research, authorship, and publication?

Reviewers are encouraged to provide constructive feedback, highlighting areas of improvement and suggesting ways to enhance the manuscript’s quality, clarity, and contribution to the field.

Review Duration

IJERR aims for a timely and efficient peer-review process. Reviewers are given a specific timeframe to complete their evaluations, and authors will be informed of the expected duration at the time of submission or following significant revisions. The journal strives to keep the review process as efficient as possible, balancing thorough evaluation with timely decisions.

Decision and Revision

Upon receiving the reviewers' feedback, the editorial team evaluates the reviewers' comments and suggestions. Based on this, authors will be informed of the decision regarding their manuscript. The possible decisions include:

  • Acceptance: The manuscript is accepted as is.
  • Minor Revisions: The manuscript requires small revisions before acceptance.
  • Major Revisions: Substantial changes are needed before the manuscript can be accepted for publication.
  • Rejection: The manuscript does not meet the required standards or relevance for publication.

If revisions are requested, authors are expected to address the reviewers' comments thoroughly and resubmit the manuscript within the stipulated timeframe.

Editorial Decision 

The final decision regarding the publication of a manuscript rests with the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial board members. They consider the reviewers' assessments, the manuscript's originality, its contribution to the field, its relevance to the journal's scope, and its compliance with ethical guidelines. This process ensures that only the highest quality and most relevant research is published in IJERR.


IJERR maintains strict confidentiality throughout the peer-review process. Reviewers are required to treat all submitted manuscripts and their contents as confidential documents. Reviewers should not share or discuss the manuscripts with anyone outside the peer-review process.

Review Process Improvement

IJERR is committed to continuously improving its peer-review process. Feedback from authors and reviewers is highly valued and used to enhance the efficiency, fairness, and transparency of the review system. The journal welcomes constructive suggestions that contribute to improving the quality and integrity of the peer-review process.