Status of Submission Manuscript

We are committed to prompt evaluation and publication of fully accepted papers in BISMA Journal. To maintain a high-quality publication, all submissions undergo a rigorous review process. Manuscripts judged to be of potential interest to our readership are sent for formal review, typically to two or three reviewers, but sometimes more if special advice is needed (for example on statistics or a particular technique).

The editors then make a decision based on the reviewers' advice, from among several possibilities: (1) Accept, with or without editorial revisions; (2) Invite the authors to revise their manuscript to address specific concerns before a final decision is reached; (3) Reject, but indicate to the authors that further work might justify a resubmission, and; (4) Reject outright, typically on grounds of specialist interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical and/or interpretational problems.

Accepted Manuscripts

Authors will receive information for submitting a final copy of their manuscript upon acceptance from the Editor. Once the article has been finalized for print production, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail by Editor. Page proofs for review will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail and/or Open Journal System (OJS).

Receipt of final PDF file upon publication

Upon publication of the journal, the corresponding author will be able to download a free PDF offprint of the article through the journal site. Information on the terms and conditions regarding the use of the final article PDF for the corresponding author and/or any co-authors is available on the site.


In cases of serious errors that affect the article in a material way (but do not fully invalidate its results) or significantly impair the reader’s understanding or evaluation of the article BISMA Journal publishes a correction note that is linked to the published article. The published article will be left unchanged.

Retractions (expressions of concern)

If the Journal receives a complaint that any contribution to the Journal infringes the copyright or other intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies, libelous materials or otherwise unlawful materials, the Journal will investigate the complaint. The investigation may include a request that the parties involved substantiate their claims.

In accordance with the "Retraction Guidelines" by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), BISMA Journal will retract a published article if: (1) there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation); (2) the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication); (3) it constitutes plagiarism; (4) it reports unethical research, and; (5) An article is retracted by publishing a retraction notice that is linked to or replaces the retracted article. BISMA Journal will make any effort to clearly identify a retracted article as such. If an investigation is underway that might result in the retraction of an article BISMA Journal may choose to alert readers by publishing an expression of concern.

Copyright without restrictions

BISMA Journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions and will retain publishing rights without restrictions.

The submitted papers are assumed to contain no proprietary material unprotected by patent or patent application; responsibility for technical content and for protection of proprietary material rests solely with the author(s) and their organizations and is not the responsibility of the BISMA Journal. The main (first/corresponding) author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain all necessary copyright release permissions for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript prior to the submission.

Policy on conflicts of interest

BISMA Journal will only publish articles after the author(s) have confirmed that they have disclosed all potential conflicts of interest.

Article Posting

BISMA journal routinely modifies our policies based on the demand and to respond to the needs of the scientific communities. They are mainly related with addition, deletion, rearrangement of author names in the authorship or uploading newer form of the article based on the editorial/reviewer’s comments. If there is any request to add, change, rearrange the name of the authors before publication of the article, it must be sent to the editor of the journal by the corresponding author with the reason behind such changes and a written confirmation of agreement from all other authors (hard copy or scanned image).