The Effectiveness of Reading and Writing Learning Videos on Student Learning Outcomes in Online Learning
reading, writing, learning outcomes, online learningAbstract
Online learning still faces many obstacles from teachers, students, and parents. One of the problems faced is lower-grade students' low learning outcomes reading and writing skills. This study aims to develop reading and writing learning videos for lower-grade students. This type of research is development research using the ADDIE model. The subjects of this study were 3 media experts, 3 material experts, and grade 1 students for the effectiveness test. The data collection method used is a questionnaire for validation and needs analysis, while the test is used for learning outcomes. The analytical method used is a qualitative method for needs analysis data and a quantitative method for validity and effectiveness testing. The results showed that the video learning to read and write deserved to be used in the outstanding category with a 4.44-4.81. effective reading and writing learning videos can improve student learning outcomes, and this is indicated by the t-test results obtained by the Sig score. < 0.05. So, reading and writing learning videos are feasible and effective to use in the learning process in lower-grade.
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